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One of the best things about breeding guppies is the endless number of possibilities that it affords you.  As more mixed guppies get added to the outdoor guppy pond, new and exciting color combinations emerge.  These guppies are pulled at random to add a splash of color to any aquarium that needs it.  This batch of mutt guppies came from the following lines of guppies: Red Mosiac Dumbo Halfmoon, Red Chili Mosaic, 24K Gold, Blue Galaxy and Black Moscow.  Although this creates perfectly healthy fish, the offspring are sometimes sterile and will not produce babies. Other guppies from this pond are fully functional and ready to breed. 

Mutt Guppies (Juveniles)

  • 64-82 degrees F

    KH 10-30

    DH 8-12

    pH 5.5-8.0

  • Guppies are livebearers, which means they give birth to live young. This happens every 28 days or so, depending on factors such as age, water temperature, and stress levels. The warmer you keep the water, the faster the breeding cycle becomes. However, this will shorten the guppy's life span considerably. We keep our guppies at around 78 degrees indoors and outdoors the temperature varies, which makes our guppies even hardier.

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